NeoGraft Hair Restoration Offers Natural-Looking Results


NeoGraft hair restoration is a state-of-the-art procedure that offers both men and women suffering from hair loss natural-looking results. It’s estimated that 35 million men and 21 million women suffer from hair loss in the United States. Hair loss can be equally as devastating for both men and women. hair restoration.

The FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant method is the newest hair transplant technique. It is a minimally invasive procedure where grafts from the back of the head are harvested individually and are placed in the balding or thinning areas of the head. This method differs from previous hair restoration methods that left an unsightly scar.


No stitches
Simple, outpatient procedure
No stitches; donor area appears significantly healed within days
Fast recovery; many patients return to work the next day
Natural-looking and permanent results
Few complications
At our hair restoration clinic (Estetigraft) Dr. Delange and his team perform 100% of the Neograft Follicular Unit Extractions (FUE). The members of the Estetigraft transplant division are among the most experienced FUE surgical teams worldwide and have transplanted well over a million grafts with the FUE technique.

The NeoGraft procedure can also be used to restore eyebrow hair, facial hair, sideburns, and hairline. Following the NeoGraft procedure, the transplanted hair can be washed, styled and cut just like the rest of your hair.

At Estetica Institute, we understand how hair loss can effect your professional and personal life. Our team of plastic surgeons, nurses and staff are dedicated to providing patients with the highest quality of care in our state-of-the-art plastic surgery center in Palm Beach Gardens. Our facility is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).

To learn more about the Neograft procedure or to schedule an appointment, please call Estetica Institute today at 561.776.9555.